Monday, February 25, 2008

updated list of weekly meals

ok - i updated my list because in a weird way it was good accountability for me to have it posted. i knew someone might ask me how it was going, i guess. this past week - we ended up having pizza at my sister's house so I didn't make the chicken and broccoli casserole. i have all the ingredients for it so it is first on my list this week. we are on a really tight budget right now due to maternity leave so we are trying to eat as frugally (is that a word) as possible. company chicken and red beans & rice are recipes i got from my sister - and she got from her mother-in-law. i will try them out and let you know how they go - i may post them. she says they are easy and good.

1 comment:

Joc said...

I haven't updated my weekly meal list in a while... sorry chicas. But for the past two weeks (and this upcoming one) I'll only be cooking once during the week. And that doesn't make for much helpful info, does it? So next week I'll be on the ball. M will be home again and I'll hopefully eat less cereal. :)